Thank you, thank you, thank you! We did it!

Elvis has left the Kickstarter! The Blank campaign is over and 197% funded! Y’all brought the noise and helped us finish strong at almost $95k! And we mean that. Your tweeting, posting, and sharing accounted for a significant chunk of our funding success.
Alright, where are the tissues?
We started Blank a year ago, but kind of wanted to make our own shirts for years, and today we finished our Kickstarter. If you’re reading this, chances are good that you’ve been with us since the beginning. There are no words to express how much we appreciate you. You don’t just make coming to work possible, you make it fun. You’ve literally created jobs with your support. It’s something we can never repay. The closest we can hope to come is by giving you a well fitting t-shirt that makes you feel good. It sounds so empty when companies say how important their customers are to them. Hopefully that’s not the case with us, because we don’t think of you as customers, we think of you as partners. We see all the names and faces that support us, and we think about how our decisions affect you. We talk about you (in a good way) in our Slack conversations, meetings, and sleep (okay not sleep).
Okay, let us collect ourselves and tell you what happens next…
Every backer will be emailed a Kickstarter survey tomorrow. You’ll select your final product(s) through that survey. That means you’ll be picking between women’s/men’s, size, and color for the shirt(s) you backed. More on that tomorrow.
Thank you for your incredibly generous support. Next up: actual wearable Blank t-shirts!