Hand-Picked Links — April 22, 2024
Hey, hey. Welcome to week four of Cotton Bureau’s hand-picked links. Hope you don’t mind if we set the rest of this post in Papyrus.
Smack for Heinz
Chicago dogs are phenomenal whether you’re in Chicago or working from home, but as proud Pittsburghers, we firmly support your right to choose ketchup any time, any place. We stand with Heinz in providing this essential resource to all Chicagoans.

Richard Serra, 1938–2024
Monumental artist, impossible to apprehend virtually, equally difficult to appreciate. A towering legacy, ensteeled around the world in massive, brutal profile. His works survive him.

Carnegie sculpture (center) with University of Pittsburgh’s Cathedral of Learning. Photo via Carnegie Museum of Natural History.
Low-Tech Magazine
A long-time favorite, Kris De Decker pushes the boundaries of what is possible with limited resources. The website is solar-powered and endlessly fascinating.

Generating, storing, and saving energy.
Quick congratulations to our friends at Stratechery on 11 years. Ben’s writing and business analysis is second to none.