Give Back Friday Update

This past November we wanted to do something to give back to local communities in an impactful way. After researching charities to make sure that the donations we would provide would make a real difference, we settled on working with Donors Choose and Give Back Friday was born. Thanks to your generosity, we were able to raise more than $1800 in a single day of sales which was directly donated to ten classrooms around our nation for projects involving reading, STEM, art, coding, and music. Our hearts were overjoyed.

Today we have an update, with photos, on all of the projects we helped make come to life. Thank you, again, for your purchases which helped make this day a reality.

Our Love Of Roald Dahl- Books purchased and delivered!

Color Printer for Maker Space - Printer purchased and delivered! Here is a thank you note from the teacher, Ms. Cipollone.

Dear Cotton Bureau,
Noticing your incredible graphic designs on your website, you can appreciate being a frustrated student who loves graphic design but has no means for which to create. Now our students will be equipped thanks to your generous donation. Having certifications in art, library and English, I'm able to create well-rounded lessons, and putting a maker space in the library is a great place for those lessons. You've provided a big first-step in launching our maker workshop and the possibilities are only limited to our students' creativity. Our school is an alternative school and our students do not have many opportunities to express their creativity. Having a color printer will give them an outlet to express themselves in today's graphic art world. Students in the arts use both sides of their brain which increases critical thinking skills. Students will now be able to use their critical thinking skills for more than reading, writing and math - they can have some pure, colorful fun with those words and numbers. With gratitude, Ms. Cipollone

Miss M’s Coders - Chromebooks purchased and delivered, students have begun learning to code! An update from Ms. Manning:

Dear Cotton Bureau,
Thank you infinitely for the donations you made towards my students and their coding aspirations! Because of your donation, we were able to participate in Hour of Code, the students have been able to improve their math skills and I am able to better teach students who have individual needs. My students are so appreciative for all that you have done and the opportunities you now have opened for them. They use the devices with care, appreciation and at their best advantage to make the most of what they can achieve! We thank you endlessly! With gratitude, Ms. Manning

They See Me Rolling - Solar Car STEM Fun - Technology purchased and delivered, kids started on their solar project!

Help Us Create A Story - tablets purchased and delivered, interviews to start soon!

Dear Cotton Bureau,
Thank you so much for your generous donations! My students are using the tablets everyday to improve their vocabulary and writing skills. They are getting stronger at developing proper questioning for our interviews. The staff has been very busy making sure proper instruction is taking place in our classrooms so we have not started our interviews yet. I want the students to be comfortable developing appropriate questions and typing out the responses. I will have more pictures up soon. They will use the tablets to write their thank yous to you all!! Thank you sooooo much!!! With gratitude, Ms. Martinez

Bringing Literacy Into A Science Classroom - Scholastic science magazines purchased and delivered.

Glass Giving Is Great Every Year - supplies purchased and delivered.

Music Centers - Combining The Old with The New - iPods purchased and delivered.

Bringing Reading To Life With Color - supplies purchased and delivered.

Learn And Play Osmo - OSMO system purchased and delivered.

Dear Cotton Bureau,
Thank you for your generous donation to provide the OSMO system to our Kindergarten classroom. We are very excited for it to arrive. The OSMO will give the children opportunities to review and practice their reading and math skills independently. During our daily Workstation time, the students cooperatively rotate through a series of review centers. By balancing paper-pencil tasks with technology and other hands-on activities, the room will be buzzing with learners. With gratitude, Mrs. Beeler