Coming soon.

Sometimes you work hard all month, and… you have nothing to show for it. You can’t talk about the new on demand product that is almost ready, or the other new on demand product that is coming soon. You definitely can’t talk about the highly classified on demand products in development for the second half of the year, no matter how excited you are.

Who cares if there is a whole laundry list of site features, improvements, and optimizations that will eventually be shipping? They aren’t done.

Yet. Groundwork is being laid. Plans concocted. Bold strides taken. Seeds planted, as it were, to grow and be gathered when the time is right.

Not a joke, we have nothing to share. If you email us though, we might be able to squeeze you in to the beta for the almost-but-not-quite-ready products we have in the bag. Keep this one under your hat though, if you know what we mean.