We’re almost there!

Point Blank: you guys are amazing! Less than eight hours in and we’re over 75% funded!

We’ve raised $36,000+ since launching at 10:00 ET this morning. That’s a lot of t-shirts! Again, you’ve overwhelmed us with your support. And, again, we can’t say thank you enough.

While we have you here, we might as well give you some highlights and a few updates. Here’s a rundown of our first seven hours:

  • Turns out Blank isn’t just a project you love. It’s also a project Kickstarter loves.
  • We like to think we’re pretty trendy. We’re happy Kickstarter felt the same way.
  • It seems like this Blank thing just might catch on. Guess that means there should be stretch goals. How does adding a few colors like… actually, let’s just save that for a future update 😏.
  • There’s no such thing as a stupid question (so far). You guys have asked, and we’ve answered. Our FAQ section is continually being updated. Go check it out!

So what happens now?

We keep this train rolling! We’re just a thread away from reaching our $48,000 goal. You’ve been great spreading the word on social media so far, and we’d love for you to keep cheering us on. And remember, use #BlankbyCB. Here are a few resources to help you do that:

Stay tuned to our Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. We’ll be around giving updates and answering questions.