The samples are coming, the samples are coming!

Last week we asked you guys to help us celebrate turning the big 0-4…and you didn’t disappoint. Over 3,000 people signed up to become Blank testers! We’re overwhelmed by your interest and support. Here’s what happens now:

  • We’ve spent this week poring over the entries, and we hope to make our final tester selections soon. There are only about 300 samples to go around, so we have to choose carefully.
  • When we determine who the testers will be, we’ll reach out via email, so keep your eyes trained on that inbox.
  • Our 100% cotton samples are in hand, and the tri-blend samples will arrive a little later this week. Some of you will receive cotton samples, others will receive tri-blend samples (based on the preference you told us in your survey, or at least as close to your preference as we could get).
  • Once you receive your sample, you’ll have two weeks to wear it and wash it as many times as possible, and let us know what you think (we’ll send you a survey to gather feedback).
  • Someday—and that day may never come—we will call upon you to do a service for us.Until that day, accept your Blank sample tee as a gift. Actually, that day will certainly come, and that’s when we launch our Kickstarter, but we’ll talk about that later.

As always, we appreciate your dedication to CB and enthusiasm for our latest project. Sign up for the Blank newsletter to stay completely up-to-date.