New profile link options.

As the Twitter implosion continues unabated, we took a moment to revisit Cotton Bureau profiles and the support we offer for outbound links. Until today, your only options were Twitter, Instagram, and a generic link field to be used at your discretion. We’ve significantly extended that now to include some other networks you might have heard of including Facebook, Twitch, YouTube, Apple Podcasts, Dribbble, Behance, Github, Patreon, and, yes, Mastodon. If we missed your favorite, let us know. We can always add more if enough people are interested.

Speaking of Mastodon, we went ahead and created an official @cottonbureau account. If you’re looking for The Back Room Lite (or The Back Room, Slightly More Frequently Than Once a Month), look no further.

While we were sweeping, dusting, and moving the profile link furniture around, we also implemented support for URL-based verification. Cotton Bureau Elsewhere links now support rel="me" which means if you point them at one of your off-site accounts (like Mastodon), others might just see a fancy checkmark indicating your account is authentic.

Lastly, if all this talk of Mastodon has made you curious, please feel free to sign up using our invite link. The front door has been closed for a while, but we found this secret loophole that allows all our friends to get in. Shhh, don’t tell anyone.