Honest Sales

Our approach to sales at Cotton Bureau is simple: find people who want what we have, or, at least, need what we have and just don’t know it yet. That’s worked out well so far, but if we’re being honest—and, you know, that is the theme—our sales efforts have been pretty lame. Sure, we’ve hooked a big fish or two, but the “sales team” here for the last four years has been Jay and I finding a spare hour or two each week to hammer out a few quick emails.

We know we can do better, and, more importantly, we know there are people out there who would really benefit from working with us if someone here had the time to spread the word, so for the last year, we’ve been looking for just the right person to steer sales at Cotton Bureau.

We needed someone who understood the value of merchandise to communities, content creators, and causes. We were looking for someone who valued relationships over commissions and could see the big picture, someone who believes in what we’re doing. We wanted someone who cared as much as we did about what was best for sellers on Cotton Bureau not just driving temporary revenue. In short, we wanted someone who could have real, honest conversations with potential sellers about why it does or doesn’t make sense to work for us to work together.

The way we do things here is a little weird—and it’s kind of important to us that it stays that way—which is why we are thrilled to welcome the latest member of the Cotton Bureau family, our new Director of Partnerships, Web Smith.

Web’s a real pro. You might know him from his work as founding CMO of Mizzen+Main, or, more likely, the hyper-smart eCommerce newsletter he runs, 2PML. He’s ready to hit the ground running here, and there’s nobody we trust more to represent us. If you’re looking to add merchandise to your revenue mix or just want to say hello, there’s never been a better time to talk to Cotton Bureau. We’ll give it to you straight.