Hand-Picked Links — June 10, 2024
Cotton Bureau’s Hand-Picked Links is back with a post-WWDC look at our favorite links from the past week, which just happen to be mostly videos.
Ugmonk Discbound Heirloom Journal
Almost out of stock — and really pushing your luck for Father’s Day — these olive leather journals with refillable paper inserts and gorgeous brass binding discs from our friend Jeff at Ugmonk look incredible.

You might even write a heartfelt message on the first page, who knows. (Just don’t ask ChatGPT to do it for you.)
Clever Road Resurfacing
Mesmerizing, narration-free video of fresh asphalt being laid down. Even more impressive: no disruption to traffic thanks to what can only be described as an enormous, portable, hydraulic bridge.
Have to hand it to the Germans, again.
The Fried Egg on Pinehurst #2
After 10 years away, golf returns to North Carolina and Pinehurst #2 this week for the men’s U.S. Open. Conditions are expected to be… challenging.
The Fried Egg sits down with one of the greatest living golf course architects — and the man responsible for the recent restoration — Bill Coore to discuss.
Every Hole at Pinehurst #2
Do you need even more hypnotizing aerial video of stunning golf scenery? Of course you do. The entire Every Hole At video playlist from Golf Digest is required viewing for golf architecture admirers.
WWDC 2024
Whether you’re excited or terrified by AImageddon, it’s impossible to look away. Apple boldly threw down the sensible + private gauntlet yesterday with dozens of new built-in features, and even poked a tiny hole in the Great Wall of On Device Security to talk directly with servers.
Genmoji shrug this is fine dog flames.