Give Back Friday

Black Friday is coming next week (and we have some dark, dark things planned), but in the meantime, we decided to brighten things up a bit this holiday season with a new thing we're calling Give Back Friday. What the heck is Give Back Friday? Here's how it's gonna go down: for one day only, Friday, November 20 (from 12:01am to 11:59pm EST), we're going to raise the prices of all Cotton Bureau shirts by $3 (that's right, we said *raise *our prices). That extra $3 per shirt (along with a matching $3 of our own) is going straight to, an online charity where public school teachers in America post classroom projects—like books, field trips, or art supplies—and donors like us can fund them.

We'll be donating money as it comes in tomorrow, so keep an eye on this blog post or @cottonbureau on Twitter for the projects we're knocking off the board. Buy some awesome t-shirts for everybody on your holiday list, and let's help out some schools, teachers, and students at the very same time.

Donations made on Friday, November 20th.

While our donation period is over, if you'd still like to participate, you can donate directly to a few remaining classrooms we're fond of through our Giving Page. Thanks for all of your support and generosity which allowed us to donate more than $1800 to classrooms in need.