Democracy Design Challenge

Cotton Bureau has been around for more than three years, and believe it or not, in all that time, we've never give you a theme for design submissions. That ends today, because this month's design challenge is...DEMOCRACY.
It's go time here in America. The conventions are behind us, there are only 100 days left until the 2016 presidential election, and (almost) everyone has chosen sides. Maybe you're with her. Maybe you're still feeling the Bern. Maybe you're (deep sigh, eye roll, gulp) hoping to Make America Great Again. Maybe you prefer a third party candidate, or hope for four more years with Barry. Or maybe you just wish someone else entirely (Beyoncé, anyone?) or someone fictitious (Josiah Bartlet?) was running.
Whoever ya got this November, we wanna know, so send us a tee design this month featuring your chosen candidate (or just something vaguely election-related). We'll be featuring our favorites on Instagram, Twitter, and the Cotton Bureau homepage.
Good luck, and we'll see you again for our next design challenge in September.