Work at Cotton Bureau, maybe.

Well, here we are. It’s that time of year, and we need your help. For real. If you’ve ever worn a shirt or seen one irl, we could use you on the Cotton Bureau team as a fulfillment specialist this holiday season.
We’ve grown a lot in the last 12 months, and we’re expecting BIG things between now and New Year’s. Interested? Email jobs@cottonbureau.comwith your packing credentials and your December availability. We’re looking to fill 2–3 part-time and/or seasonal positions as soon as possible. (It should go without saying, but you’ll need to be physically present in order to put t-shirts in bags.)
In addition to a few good people to help in the warehouse, we’re also accepting applications for Spring and Summer 2018 internships. It’s been a while since interns have graced our office, but we have fond memories. If you’re in or have recently-ish completed college, a coding bootcamp, or a career (re)training program, tell us a little about yourself and what you’d like to do. We have a variety of opportunities available. (This is a paid internship.)
Oh, and by the way, we now have an official jobs page. Head over there to get the lay of the land. We’ll be sure to update it frequently. If something catches your eye, email us. You just might be, ahem, the right material.