Give Back Friday is Back!

Give Back Friday is Back!

Raise your hand if you remember our last Give Back Friday.


Kind of hard to believe it’s already been five years since we most recently donated to classrooms across the country. But today school is back in session.

Just like last time, we’re funding projects through Donors Choose. Cotton Bureau is pledging 100% of sales up to $3,000 — plus we’ll be featuring designers all day who are also donating their cuts. Surely we can work together to reach $5,000, right?

We're keeping a running tally of each funded project right here on the blog. Check back throughout the day for updates. And most importantly, tell a friend, buy something from Cotton Bureau today, or consider donating directly on Cotton Bureau’s official Donors Choose Give Back Friday campaign page because it all helps a classroom this holiday season.

P.S. If you are a teacher (or know a teacher) in need, we’d love to hear about your project and help fund it if possible.

Live funding

9:29 am: We’re kicking off the day right by fully funding Mrs. Wermager and Ms. DeFeo’s reading projects. You can’t go wrong with a few good books and magazines.

12:25 pm: We take our sports pretty seriously here at Cotton Bureau (Go Steelers 🫠), which is why we're pumped to fund Mr. Putnam's project to supply his 6-8th grade Pueblo, CO soccer team with soccer balls for the season. That officially pushes us past the $1,000 mark for our GOOOOOAAAAAAAALLLLL!!!

1:19 pm: We're rolling now! Two more projects down for a total of five funded. And we're just gonna say it… Ms Potoma's New Hampshire's screen printing project might be our favorite. How could it not be? And of course we're thrilled to fund another hometown project as well.

We're almost half way to our goal. Let's keep it going!

3:46 pm: STEM projects in North Carolina and Nevada? Check and check! That's another $856 down if our math is correct. Perhaps Ms. Burcalow and Mrs. Brown can have their young mathematicians double check for us. Either way, we're almost fully funded!

4:14 pm: We definitely saved a neat one for last. Ms. Collins school store for deserving scholars is a great idea. The final donation makes it over $3,000 for the day with 8 total projects funded. You guys rock.

And keep in mind that many of our sellers have pitched in their cut to push the total even higher. All sales until midnight ET tonight will count towards Give Back Friday. Finish strong and we'll hopefully see you again next year!